Fairy Fantasia Parties

Join us as we uncover the enchanted realm of fairies and discover the magic and wonder that awaits. Our fairy celebrations encourage children to delve into their imaginations and be transported to a world of enchantment. This captivating party is ideal for children aged 3-6yrs.
Our beautiful fairies begin the celebrations with an introduction ceremony to welcome all her new fairies into the fairy kingdom. With Tinker Bell bubble games, Ribbon wand dancing, music of fantasia to sing and dance too, fairy wands to cast charming enchantments and of course our magical 'tooth fairy' treat hunt. Finishing off with their pouch of fairy dust and magical wishing stones and a special Tinker Bell treat for our birthday girl. This party will captivate and enchant our young fairies.
This is the complete party entertainment package. We provide everything we need to create this gorgeous party for you.